COVID19, Seminar">
VOICE OF HUMANITY Online Seminar on: “COVID-19, From Crisis to Opportunity and From the Individual to Polis and Back” will be held at 9:00 pm(BD Time)/ 5:00 pm(EU Time) 15, May 2020.This seminar is hosted by M A HASAN, Founder & President of VOICE OF HUMANITY and also Moderated Ms. Shanjida Khanam. Speaker Professor Dr. Luisa Brunorio Founder & President Win Win Association, Italy and Dr. Asiful Hoque, Head of VH Health Department, are the key note speakers of the seminar. You all are requested to join and watched the seminar.VOICE OF HUMANITY will organized this monthly targeting Social Problem and will try to out come the solution for the social. Stay Home,Stay Safe.#COVID19 #Emergency #Food For Hungry People #Free Tele medicine Services #Food Pack Distribution